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Es gibt viele heilige Reliquien, die aufgrund ihrer Verbindung zu Jesus Christus erhalten geblieben sind. Viele sind ausgestellt und einige nicht. Aber es ist immer…
The RELIGARE project is about religions, belonging, beliefs and secularism in Europe. It examines the legal rules protecting or limiting (constraining) the experiences of religious or other belief-based communities. Where the practices of communities or individuals do not conform to State law requirements, or where communities turn to their own legal regimes or tribunals, the reasons behind these developments need to be understood.
The RELIGARE project is a three-year European research project funded by the European Commission Directorate General Research – Unit L Science, Economy and Society. It comprises 13 universities and research centres from across the European Union and Turkey. read more
Latest news and updates
UPCOMING EVENT: Workshop on ‘Accommodating religion in the public space. Looking beyond Europe’ – Sofia, Bulgaria, 20 October 2011
Date: 20 October 2011
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Through this workshop the research group workikng on ‘The Public Space’ would like to look beyond the European borders and see what Europe can learn from the experience of other countries regarding the place to be given to religion(s) and belief(s) in the public space.
UPCOMING EVENT: Consortium Meeting on ‘Accommodating religion in the public space. Looking beyond Europe’ – Sofia, Bulgaria, 19-21 October 2011
Date: 19-21 October 2011
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
The consortium partners will meet in Sofia (Bulgaria) in order to discuss the developments of the different research areas and to debate the sociological surveys that have been taken place at national level. Furthermore, there will also be a Workshop organized by the Public Space research group.
UPCOMING EVENT: ‘The Challenges of Religious Diversity in EU Law and Policy’ – Brussels, Belgium, 30 June 2011
The Challenges of Religious Diversity in EU Law and Policy
Location: European Parliament, Brussels (Belgium), Room JAN 4Q1 (9.00-12.30) and Room PHS 4B 01 (12.30 – 15.00).
Organized by: The Centre for European Policy Studies, together with the Catholic University of Leuven and hosted by the European Parliament Platform on Secularism in Politics.
UPCOMING EVENT: Evening Lecture on the incorporation of sharia law in the UK by Peter Cumper – Brussels, Belgium, 29 June 2011
Date: 29 June 2011, 19.30h-21.30h
Location: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Place du Congres 1, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
The lecture will be given by Peter Cumper, Senior Lecturer at the University of Leicester (Department of Law) and Prof. Maleiha Malik (King’s College, London) will act as a respondant.
REPORT on the International RELIGARE Symposium on “Religious Diversity & the European Workplace”
Report by Martin Ramstedt (Max Planck Institute of Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany) analysing the International RELIGARE Symposium on “Religious Diversity & the European Workplace” which took place on the 13th January 2011 at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.
Das Gel ist das, was Sie sich wünschen. Das für die Herstellung des Saftes notwendige Gel muss von einer reifen, mindestens drei bis vier Jahrzehnte…